Associated Cleaning Services, Inc.
Training Library
Sexual Harassment Training Quiz
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1.) What is ACS's tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the workplace?
A.) Three strikes and you're out
B.) Zero-tolerance for any form of sexual harassment & will treat all incidents seriously & will promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment
C.) ACS can only investigate incidents that HR and your supervisor are made aware of by the employee receiving harassment, even if a third party person has witness an incident
D.) Any allegation made against you will result in immediate termination
2.) Which of the following statements most accurately defines Sexual Harassment?
A.) Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated
B.) Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents and actions constituting harassment, it may be physical, verbal and non-verbal
C.) Sexual harassment includes situations where a person is asked to engage in sexual activity as a condition of that person's employment, as well as situations which create a hostile, intimidating or humiliating environment for the recipient
D.) All of the above
3.) True or False: Unwelcome physical conduct can include patting, pinching, stroking, kissing, hugging, fondling and the use of job-related threats or rewards to solicit sexual favors?
A.) Tue
B.) False
If false, what is the correct answer?
4.) Verbal conduct includes which of the following ways to conduct sexual harassment?
A.) Comments on a worker's age, appearance, private life, etc.
B.) Sexual comments, jokes & advances
C.) Giving a worker a work-related compliment
D.) Insults based on worker's gender
E.) A, C & D
F.) A, B & D
G.) C, B & D
5.) Do you agree that repeated/unwanted invitations for dates, social events or physical intimacy constitutes as sexual harassment?
A.) Yes
B.) No
6.) How would you describe Non-Verbal Sexual Harassment?
A.) Undressing someone with your eyes
B.) Mouthing inappropriate comments without actually saying them out loud
C.) A display of sexually explicit or suggestive material, gestures, whistling and leering
D.) Posting inappropriate comments or pictures on social media
E.) All of the above
7.) Tue or False: The ACS Sexual Harassment Policy is only enacted within ACS premises and is not required to be honored outside?
A.) True
B.) False
If false, what is the correct answer?
8.) What is the first step one should take when receiving sexual harassment?
A.) Go straight to your supervisor to make a complaint
B.) Quit and find a new job
C.) Don't do or say anything
D.) If able to, tell the alleged harasser the conduct is unwanted and unwelcome
9.) If your alleged harasser is a direct supervisor or you do not feel comfortable confronting them about their conduct, who should you go to, to make a complaint?
A.) Human Resources or another supervisor
B.) The police
C.) Another employee of your rank
D.) No one
10.) Will a victim be entitled to see a counselor within the company?
A.) Yes
B.) No
11.) If a victim decides that their informal complaint did not resolve to their satisfaction, do they have other options/actions that they may take?
A.) No, what's done is done
B.) They may submit an additional informal complaint to the same person
C.) They may submit a formal complaint, where the initial person who took the complaint will take it to a manager for further steps
D.) They may take matters into their own hands
12.) What will happen a formal complaint is made?
A.) The manager will deal with the matter themselves
B.) The manager will refer the matter to an internal or external investigator
C.) The manager will refer the matter to a committee of 3 others in accordance to this policy
D.) The manager will choose which of the above options is the most appropriate for the company
13.) When conducting a formal investigation how will ACS do the interview process?
A.) Interview the victim & alleged harasser separately, as well as any relevant third party witnesses
B.) Interview the victim & alleged harasser together
C.) Interview only third party witnesses
D.) Interview only the harasser since we already received the complaint from the victim
14.) If it is decided that the sexual harassment allegations were true what actions may be taken for the victim?
A.) An apology
B.) Change of work arrangement/environment
C.) Promotion, if the result of the harassment included a demotion
D.) None of the above
E.) All of the above
15.) If it is decided that the sexual harassment allegations were true, what actions may be taken for the harasser?
A.) Dismissal
B.) Demotion
C.) Relocation/Transfer
D.) Suspension
E.) Training
F.) Discipline
G.) All of the above
H.) A, D, E & F
I.) A, B, D & E
16.) If a person is not comfortable with making a complaint are they able to submit a complaint through an outside source?
A.) Yes, within legal limits
B.) No
17.) True or False: A person found to have sexually harassed another may receive a wage reduction as a form of disciplinary action?
A.) True
B.) False
If false, what is the correct answer?
18.) What is a form of discrimination?
A.) Equal treatment of all rivals or disputants
B.) Lack of interest towards an individual
C.) Prejudice opinions/behavior towards an individual based on their race, age, gender, etc.
D.) Fully accepting an individual for who they are
19.) Where can you find this policy if you are wanting a reminder or refresher?
A.) Ask one of the Office Assistants for a copy
B.) It is in the Sexual Harassment Training page on the ACS website
C.) I can Google it
D.) I won't need a refresher or reminder
20.) After a sexual harassment allegation has been decidedly true and actions have been implemented, is the victim allowed to give their feedback on whether they feel the actions taken were effective or not? Can they recommend any further action?
A.) They may give their feedback, but not recommend further action
B.) Yes, they may give their feedback and recommend for further action
C.) No
21.) How often should we, as a company, review this policy?
A.) Once a year
B.) Only upon hiring an employee
C.) Only when an allegation has been made
D.) Every 6 months
22.) By submitting this quiz you are acknowledging full understanding of the Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Policy and have completed this quiz to the best of your knowledge
Yes, I understand the Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Policy and have completed this quiz to the best of my knowledge
No, I do not